Avoiding the FDD Gotchas

Avoiding the FDD Gotchas

Avoiding the FDD Gotchas Our topic on this week’s episode is Avoiding the FDD Gotchas on June 8th, 2023 at 5:00p EST / 4:00p CST / 3:00p MST /2:00p PST Drew Chalfant and Harold Kestenbaum join the Pillars of Franchising team today. As usual, tune in for our...
Strategies for a Successful Franchise from Franchise Attorney, Drew Chalfant

Strategies for a Successful Franchise from Franchise Attorney, Drew Chalfant

Strategies for a Successful Franchise from Franchise Attorney, Drew Chalfant Broadcast Date: September 1st, 2022 Broadcast Time : 5:00p EST / 4:00p CST / 3:00p MST /2:00p PST Our guest is Drew Chalfant, Attorney, Roda Chalfant Franchise Law Join host Ray Pillar, Owner...