Scott Marr, CEO, Koala Insulation and Wallaby Windows
Scott Marr created the Koala Insulation franchise in 2020 and leads its growth and franchise development today. Under Scotts leadership Koala has grown to become the most recognizable insulation installation franchise in the world. Koala now serves over 75,000,000 of the United States population through its extensive network of 120+ locations spanning 375+ territories. Scott also created the emerging franchise system, Wallaby Windows in 2022. Wallaby operates alongside its sister brand, Koala. The philosophies that drive him in his role today evolved through his first company, Fleet Clean.
Scott created Fleet Clean as a single mobile business unit at just 15 years old, even hiring a friend to work as a driver. He gives credit to his family’s example of drive and diligence as the groundwork for his success. Under Scott’s leadership, the business demonstrated double and triple-digit growth year after year. In 2013, Fleet Clean adopted a franchise model. The business grew to cover 400+ cities nationwide and earned back-to-back spots on the Entrepreneur Top 100 list of new franchise rankings.
Scott’s philosophies on business and people motivate his actions as a leader. He cites as a personal accomplishment the range of franchisees who found success through his mentorship. He prioritizes the development of others both on and off “the field.” His foremost foundational value most often quoted advice, and inspiration for Koala is the importance of doing what you say, saying what you’ll do, and honoring your word—followed closely by the tenet to never take yourself too seriously. Within Koala, Scott’s penchant for mentoring and advising takes center stage. He believes in ultimately serving the customer base through well-trained and supported franchisees. Outside of the company, he savors the outdoors and hiking in Montana as often as he can with his family. Scott loves being around family, friends and animals.
Contact Info on Scott Marr:
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