Ryan Englin, CEO, Core Matters
Ryan Englin is a force. Meaning, he’s a disruptive new wave. When he speaks, you’ll sense a particular energy you haven’t felt before. Because he’s leveling tradition, and he’s completely revamping the way business owners across the country think about their next hire.
Ryan is passionate about supporting small businesses in blue collar industries. Growing up, he saw his own father working 12-hour shifts (and nearly every weekend) as an owner/operator. His dad continues to clock almost the same hours well past retirement age.
Ryan seeks to empower these types of dedicated, hardworking owners and leaders. He coaches them to think outside the box and address age-old problems by embracing new perspectives. The secret? Hiring the right people.
Ryan says, “It’s the single most effective way to grow a business.”
Get ready. You’re about to meet with a flood of knowledge, examples, and expertise as it relates to attracting and hiring better people faster. Ryan’s presence and coaching style are certainly memorable. Whether leading workshops or webinars, or speaking at company events, he believes in sharing practical action items you should put to work immediately.
Ryan Englin is a Certified PDP Professional using ProScan Surveys to help his clients understand the behavioral dynamics of the people they are hiring. Learn more about the research backed ProScan Survey Model.
Listen to Ryan, and you’ll quickly know he’s got experience. In fact, you’ll hear stories of his decade in corporate America, where he learned how to recruit and hire the best people for his top-performing teams.
You’ll also connect with his exposure to the inner workings of small businesses. This is where broken, ineffective systems and processes first got his attention. As a kid, he stood confused, witnessing his dad called away to work all the time. The company couldn’t function otherwise. Today, Ryan gets it.
He says, “You can have good people and bad systems, and fail. You can have good systems and bad people, and fail. You need both good people and good systems if you want results.”
Since 2011, Ryan has been the CEO of Core Matters. His company focuses on the issues of high turnover or high growth, along with what businesses need to do to fill their open positions. And not simply fill them. Systematically fill them with quality frontline workers.
With good people who love what they do. With the right people who stay
Guest appearances by Ryan :